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Бесплатный звонок по России

How to open an account:

  1. Provide a set of documents to the Bank

  2. Conclude an agreement and obtain the settlement account number

Open account

Cost of service:
990 roubles per month

Open account

Cost of service:
1,190 roubles per month

Open account

Cost of service:
2,990 roubles per month

Open account

Cost of service:
Individual terms of service

Open account

Cost of service:
1,100 roubles per month

Open account
Show all

Advantages of settlements and cash services in Transstroibank

  • Персональный подход к каждому клиенту
    Personal approach to each customer
  • Выгодные условия обслуживания
    Beneficial terms of servicing
  • Оперативное открытие счета
    Prompt opening of an account
  • Гарантии надежности и удобства совершения всех операций
    Guarantees of reliability and convenience of all operations